Why I Now LOVE Goal Setting!

I use to not really enjoy goals. I wouldn’t even set them because I felt it added unnecessary pressure and stress and I do NOT have time for that negativity. This was until I learned a new way of thinking about goals!

I really like the idea that when we set our goals, we don’t necessarily set a timeline. The reason being, when we miss the timeline we sometimes feel guilt, like a failure. Some goals take TIME! A healthy journey consists of failures and pressing on.

When I set my goals I say then as if they are in the present. I make “I am” statements. That trains my brain to start thinking like the person who my goal describes!

For instance if my goal is I want to cook 3 meals a night, My goal would be worded “I cook 3 meals a night.” In that, I start thinking like a person who cooks 3 meals a night. If I say ” I want to cook 3 meals a night” then my brain knows I eventually want to cook 3 meals a night, but I don’t necessarily start thinking and take action like a person who cooks 3 meals a night. See what I’m saying? Same goes for fitness, or any other habit we want to change.

We have to change our mindset to change our actions and that takes time. 

Don’t let goals be a negative thing. They are exciting and challenging! Consider thinking of goals as you evolving in to the best version of you, instead of thinking of goals as a task list that you pile on your already long lists of To Do’s. That is just not fun.

Hopefully you are giving yourself grace, and continuing to wake up every day, trying again to do what you set your mind to do!


Hello! My name is Lori Johnson and I am passionate about health and wellness. I love sharing what has worked in our life to completely change our health! I also offer one on one coaching so head on over to the contact section and send me a message! You can also subscribe to my email list in the subscription box there as well!