The Time I got Asked to Quit Track!

Did I tell you about the time…..

I got asked to quit track?!

I’ll never forget it.

We were running…wait, no, I was running, EVERYONE else was done.

I was getting the (very encouraging and really nice) “you’ve got this” clap from the rest of my classmates, and I was FREAKING tired and out of breath!

The coach came over and told me “Now Lori, that manager job sure is a hard one, and you’d be great at it…I’ll talk to your parents if you want? ……or….. you can stay in track…”

I, barely breathing, said: “I’ll take it!”

Every moment in our life can either feed our victim mentality or fuel our drive!

I may not be “athletic” but that does not give me an excuse to not include movement in my health journey.

That, and many other experiences throughout my life inspired me to find ways I could push my body physically in other areas. I found Tennis to be more accommodating to my athletic abilities in high school and was competitive in that!

Fast forward to now, I have really come to love working out in the gym! Lucas and I have found fun activities and hobbies as well that we can push ourselves in and keep us active for our health.

You have a healthy, active, person who enjoys physical activity somewhere in you. It may not and will not look like other people’s ideal physical lifestyle, but its there, its you!

This is one of my favorite stories to tell,

1) because it is so stinking funny, and 

2) because when people say they are not “athletic” I usually follow with “yea well I got asked to quit track!”

P.S. that coach was being very nice and understanding, I had some issues that made running not easy for me, and she likely knew/saw I was not going to ask to get special considerations, or even knew I wouldn’t quit voluntarily. I was very lucky to have such understanding people around me growing up!


What are ways you can change your mindset on movement and activity? It is so important in many areas of our health, so finding 30 minutes 3-5 times a week to fit movement in, will be life changing. You have the ability, to move, to start slow, and find ways to enjoy movement. I promise, you can! 



Hello! My name is Lori Johnson and I am passionate about health and wellness. I love sharing what has worked in our life to completely change our health! I also offer one on one coaching so head on over to the contact section and send me a message! You can also subscribe to my email list in the subscription box there as well!


 For Educational and Informational Purposes Only. 

The information contained in our website, blog, guest blogs, e-mails, programs, services, and products is for educational and informational purposes only. It is made available to you as self-help tools for your own use. While we draw on our prior professional expertise and backgrounds in the health profession, business, and other areas, you acknowledge that we are supporting you in our role exclusively as health coaches. The Hello Healthy, LLC team provides information concerning, but not limited to, the optimization of human health and wellness. This is not medical advice and you should always consult your Licensed Medical Provider for any Medical advise.