New Year Same You?

It is December 26th and BOOM! I am already
bombarded with suggestions in my face all over social media on what my New Years Diet should be. 

One that stuck out was one that said something like “Should
Intermittent Fasting be part of your New Year’s Diet?”

I immediately thought, “I don’t know… should it?” (side note, IF can be a useful tool, the point is, new years diets are everywhere!)

Listen. I have been trying to formulate my dream for Hello
Healthy, in to a concise, paragraph description. How can I help the world
understand what I’m doing with Hello Healthy?

And then I opened Facebook to the world of advertised diets
for the New Year and I realized – this is what I want the world to know. This
is what I want you to be free from. Diets. False quick fix promises. An illusion
that you can fix bad habits you have formed over years and years of practice.

I will repeat it until I am blue in the face.  A healthy lifestyle does not consist of yo-yo

I have tried this and know many people who have tried this. We fall prey to the sales of  “eat this for 30 days and you’ll have a complete transformation” and “do this work out for 30 days and we guarantee you will lose x amount of weight”.

But here we are, we are back to the New Year and people
expect us to need to buy their new product!!

What I am proposing is that we renew our minds. We do the hard work to start a discipline in our eating and movement. We start working on our stress and emotions that are triggering our food habits, that are preventing us from working out and staying active. 

Let’s get down to the root and find our best selves and grow them!!! I want this so bad for you. I want to empower you to develop lifelong habits to RENEW your mind on how you view food. I want to EMPOWER you to become someone who LOVES activity. Not the one who is forced into activity someone else claims will change their life, or someone who is malnourished because they are only eating 1,000 calories in a restrictive New Years diet.

There is a way to find healthy foods you enjoy, to retrain your taste palette. There is a way to find movement you enjoy, and then push yourself further in that activity, setting goals, and have feelings of accomplishment.

Through my social media and further in my coaching program, I can educate, inform, and guide you through this process. I did not decide to offer meal and exercise plans as the center of the program. Those are only a tool, to be utilized until you can branch out and develop your eating habits and find your favorite way to add movement. The bulk of my program will be education and guidance, so that you can discover where your healthy is, and how to move forward to that goal. I am for you, to support you! 

And if not me, find someone with similar ideals, that you can trust to help you navigate the world of nutrition and fitness, so you can find and develop sustainable healthy habits!

So moving forward, shut out the noise, and if faced with a “New diet for the New Year”, look at it and think, can I do this long term? Will this help produce the best me? Because that’s what you deserve!

I have not opened up one on one coaching but will be announcing official details January 13th so be on the look out! Also don’t for get to try the 3 day reset starting January 6th– to jump in and change your trajectory! You can go to my Instagram and click the link in my bio and enter your email to get the 3 day meal plan to use during the 3 day challenge or you can follow the link here:

There will also be a work out plan emailed out before the challenge but you have to subscribe for those plans!

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas!


Health and Wellness Coaching is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition. It is not intended to substitute for the advice, treatment and/or diagnosis of a qualified licensed professional. Trained Health Coaches may not make any medical diagnoses, claims, and/or substitute for your personal physician’s care. 

Hello! My name is Lori Johnson and I am passionate about educating on using food as fuel, and finding a path to healthy living that works best for you!