

Welcome to Hello Healthy! I am so excited to start this project I have been dreaming up! As you can tell, I am so passionate about educating on nutrition and fitness. I currently work in health care and love caring for my patients, but I feel there is a skill I can also offer as a nutrition and fitness coach.

For about 3-4 years now, my husband and I have really been working on developing habits that help us in our health journey, and live the best lives possible.

For me, I did not come into this knowing how to cook well and wasn’t super active. If you know me at all, you know athleticism is not my gift. As I was exposed more to nutrition and fitness, I realized just how important incorporating some type of activity and developing good nutrition habits was, in my own health journey. I started noticing more energy, better mood, I was able to manage stress better, and I felt better overall! My husband started noticing for himself too.

We became convinced that our lives would be largely affected in a positive way, if we started developing healthy habits, working on discipline now, so that later we could reap the benefits.

I am so passionate about spending time with people to help them learn what we are learning ourselves. We have lived the struggles of trying one size fits all plans, or subscribing to followings on healthy living, when really, we needed to look at ourselves, our lives, and find what fit for us.

I feel very strongly that what works for one will not work for all. I even further generally think camps are not beneficial- meaning if someone is saying “this answer is the only way” then that answer is probably actually not the answer at all. When you put things in a “camp” you are excluding all other possibilities for something else to work.  

If I have lost you…. Sorry! Im just saying, when people start promising their way is the absolute way, Its excluding any other beneficial option there may be for you to live a sustainably healthy life.

So. I hope you are ready because I am offering nutrition and fitness coaching!!!! I have developed a program that is inclusive, thorough, and creates an opportunity for you to find the MOST sustainable habits to live a healthy life! This is in regard to nutrition and fitness, but in turn this will likely flow out in to other areas of your life. When we start getting our nutrition, fitness, and well being in line, usually everything else will fall in line after.

The program will officially launch in January. I will have limited spots since I do work full time. If you are interested feel free to reach out! There is a contact section for you to message me, or you can fill out the subscribe section to receive updates on the program launch. Until then, I will be sending out updated education material, blog posts, and handy tips and tricks through my email subscription list! I want whoever would like, to have access to the things we have been learning. So sign up! Also go follow me on Facebook and Instagram by the subscription box below! I will be posting educational  info and tips and tricks there as well.

Look around, see what you think, and if you are interested I would be honored to get to work with you, supporting you, to find what works for you to have a healthy lifestyle. You deserve it!!

Hello! My name is Lori Johnson and I am passionate about educating on using food as fuel, and finding a path to healthy living that works best for you!