Healthy is a Journey

I started Hello Healthy with the desire for a platform to share tips so others can begin working on healthy living. On wellness. I have these habits we have formed, these hacks we have come upon, that I want to share! Every blog or program I have been writing, I have you in mind, you who are wanting to improve your health but cannot make healthy eating habits and movement stick! And you who have knowledge of all of these diets and schools of thought, but needs guidance sorting to find the truth, to find what will work for you.

There are so many health benefits to lifestyle modifications. I’m not talking here about the latest oil or supplement. I am talking about changing our mindset on food and activity. I think we all get a sense of that, but the world has turned this truth in to a “diet culture”. We are constantly promised to lose weight with this “30 day challenge” or “cut and sculpt with this fitness routine”. The problem is, it took us years to develop our current lifestyles and mindsets, so its probably not going to be undone with a 30 day challenge. Changing our mindset on food, viewing it as fuel, and asking “how will this benefit me” rather than looking at foods as “good or bad”, takes discipline and time. We need to make choices meal by meal, day by day, to retrain our mind. The same with activity.

We have ourselves thinking through a diet or fitness program,
convinced that we can’t do it, then take on the guilt from something we didn’t
even give ourselves the chance to try. 
Or we follow people on social media that set unrealistic standards that
we are unable to meet and feel a sense of failure. (no… just me?)

I think we would succeed best if we experienced the freedom
of trial and error, finding what works best for US. Everyone is different.
Everyone has different components that make us unique. What works for one,
might not work for others.

Here is my challenge. Step back, breathe, listen to what you
need. Changing mindsets and habits takes time and discipline, but no one is
holding you to the fire. No one is forcing you. Wellness is something for you
to take control of and move forward. Take each day at a time and choose life
for yourself. Choose health and life for your family. Growth and movement
forward is exciting. Its freeing.

If you have tried programs for weight loss or fitness that
elicit guilt and shame, then maybe take a step back. Evaluate why those
feelings happened. Look to find a way of health that is life giving, enjoyable,
where you can practice discipline, grace, and feel accomplished in your health
goals. Wellness isn’t a 30 day program, it is a way of life, always evolving,
adapting just as you are. 

Tip today: If you are rushing to figure out a meal, try to choose a vegetable and meat. Simple. If you are going to pick up hot pockets, or pizza at the grocery store to warm up at home, get a bag of steamed vegetables and meat like grilled chicken or a beef patty. You don’t have to make elaborate meals. Keep it simple so it doesn’t feel like meals are mountains you have to tackle after a hard day of working, taking care of the kiddos, etc. 

Sit down and write out 5 meals of a vegetable and meat that you know you could whip up fast, in a crunch. Keep this list on hand for quick access. 

(also, I get there are variables like family size etc. but
the point is, there are quick tricks to start implementing until you are able
to begin planning, and fitting in nutritious meals in your life. Maybe instead
of a small steam bag, get a bag of salad, something that serves more people).

But honestly, you know you best. You know your strengths. You know where your weaknesses are and what will trip you up. My goal in all of this is to be the resource, the encourager. The Coach.  Our health is the foundation, its what we build on and where we pour from. If we are not well, we cannot serve from a full cup, we can not be the best version of ourselves.

Hello! My name is Lori Johnson and I am passionate about educating on using food as fuel, and finding a path to healthy living that works best for you!